Masturbation is something that many (but not all) men have been doing for a long time, and while it always feels good, sometimes, solo stroking can feel a bit same-old. Luckily, there are lots of different ways to masturbate for men from masturbation toys for men to hand placement.
Let’s be honest, sex is always a hot topic, but there isn’t quite as much conversation around solo sex, or, to be more specific, masturbation techniques and the best ways to masturbate. So let’s talk about it!
Today we’re exploring how to masturbate for men and sharing some top masturbation tips for men in particular - including some goodies you probably haven’t even considered.
9 Expert Tips for Better Masturbation
Want to be a better masturbator and have a more satisfying experience? You aren’t alone. Men look for masturbation tips as much as women do - there just aren’t as many tips out there. That ends now. We’re here to give you the full scoop on how to master masturbation and find the best masturbation technique to spice up your sex life.
Tip 1: Set the Scene
Too often, setting the scene is considered something girly, just for women, or too much work. A sexy setting works wonders for your experience, no matter who you are, and it’s really not that hard! Romance yourself a little by dimming the lights, putting on some sexy music (try something with a good beat), or even lighting a candle. If you’re looking for something a little more intense than a quick stroke and run (or stroke and fall asleep), these things can help you relax and get ready to enjoy some hand time. This can help you develop good masturbation habits and help you understand your body and how you prefer arousal during solo sex.
Tip 2: Don’t Rush If You Don’t Have To
Quickies are sexy sometimes, sure, but there’s something to be said for really getting into the experience. Take your time, use your hands to explore your body or think about a time someone else really turned you on, and try to mimic what they did.
Tip 3: Use Lube or Lotion Made for Masturbation
You’ll probably remember borrowing a handful of lotion from the bathroom at some point in your (probably teenage) life, but you’re way past that now. There are tons of slippery, sexy, friction eliminating lubes and creams available to nourish tender penile skin. While just about any great quality lubricant will work just fine for stroking, you might want to go with a silicone or oil-based formula. Either option will last longer, and you won’t need to re-apply as often! Just remember that oil based lubes should never be used internally, and silicone lubes shouldn't be used with silicone toys. If you’re simply stroking, though, neither of those things should be an issue.
Tip 4: Consider Masturbating After You Workout
Sexual activity after physical activity? After a workout, masturbation might be the last thing on your mind - however, masturbating after getting sweaty may be one of the best masturbation tips for men. Your body releases hormones like adrenaline and dopamine during a workout, which can help put you into the mood. Also, the excess blood flow can encourage you to get hard. So, after you hit the gym, pleasure yourself for a little extra release.
Tip 5: Use A Pocket Pussy
Your hand is a good option for masturbation, but there are plenty of other choices out there as well. Male masturbators are extremely common and continue to grow in popularity. You can purchase one that looks like your favorite porn star or just a general stroker that doesn’t resemble a vagina at all. There are options for anal sex simulation as well as oral sex.
With so many options, everyone can find something that they like. There are choices of tightness, appearance, color, internal feel, vibration, texture, and more. You can really get whatever ‘fits’ your needs or tickles your fancy.
Tip 6: Consider Some Anal Play
Some men hesitate at the idea of adding anal play in their masturbation routine, or their sex lives in general. Fact is, the anal area is extremely sensitive to touch, and it can feel incredibly good to tease, touch, and massage. Use lots of lube, and go slow. You don’t have to venture inside if you’re not comfortable with it, but if you are, start off with a well-lubed finger and go from there.
If you like what you feel, you can move on to experimenting with a prostate massager sex toy. There are tons of sex toy options for anal play, from anal plugs to beads, dildos and more. These can be used for solo and partnered sex.
Tip 7: Edge It Out
If you have the time to go slow and really drag it out, consider edging. This is a fantastic way to not only get a really satisfying orgasm but to help you last longer when you’re with a partner. While masturbating, bring yourself right to the edge of orgasm, then stop. Repeat this process until you can’t take it anymore. You’ll probably find that your orgasm, when it finally comes, feels much more intense.
Tip 8: Porn Can Help - Or Hurt
Many people, men included, turn to porn as soon as they start to masturbate because it’s (generally speaking) a surefire way to get aroused. Sometimes though, it can actually be distracting! We start to get caught up in what’s happening on the screen, and stop paying attention to our own bodies.
If this happens to you, start looking into other porn options. A great choice for many people is audio-only porn. This allows you to put your phone down and focus on the task at hand while listening. Pop your headphones in for a really intimate experience - just be sure no one can walk in on you!
Tip 9: Masturbate with A Partner
For some people, there is still a sense of taboo or naughtiness around solo masturbation. If you tend to feel guilty and lose interest in masturbation alone, start masturbating with your partner. There is something so sexy about watching your partner touch themselves, and it can give you ideas on how to better please them and help them please you.
6 Masturbation Positions to Try Out
Do masturbation positions for men really matter? Yes! How you hold your body can give you a wildly different experience and either help you to hold back and make it last longer or get off that much sooner. It all has to do with your blood flow and the position of your pelvic floor as well as your own comfort.
Position 1: Use Your Non-Dominant Hand
When we talk about how to masturbate for men, we don’t often talk about the hand. Settle yourself into a position where you can use your non-dominant hand. This may feel a little strange at first, but it can be an interesting way to spice it up a bit.
Turn your hand so that it isn’t the most obvious way to stroke and hold your penis, which will help it to feel like a “stranger” is doing the stroking. This can lead you to find different positions that you may like even better.
Position 2: Get on All Fours
You’ve probably tried the laying and sitting positions, but have you masturbated on all fours? This is a fantastic option if you use a pocket pussy, because you can position it and go without your hands. Even if you do have to use one of your hands, the change in position will allow you to use different muscles.
Don’t be afraid to move your hips around and see what makes you feel good - you probably don’t have as many limits in this position as you do with a person.
Position 3: Raise One Leg
Another great option is to simply raise one of your legs off the ground and put it on a chair or the bed. This will help you to have some movement and get some “air” to your more sensitive parts. The gentle stretch in your thighs will feel good without being too distracting from your end goal.
Position 4: Use Pillows
If you want to change positions but you don’t have the strength to get into a specific position, use pillows to boost your hips or knees, so you stay comfortable during your erotic play. You can prop yourself into nearly any position in this way.
Position 5: Lean Against A Wall
A cool thing about masturbation is that you can get into positions with yourself that may not be possible with a partner. For example, you may be able to lean back against a wall and use your hand to get yourself off while keeping your hips still. The cool hardness of the wall is a new sensation you probably don’t always feel.
Position 6: Change Your Physical Location
Finally, who says you have to masturbate in your bedroom? Sure, if you have roommates or a family, this can get harder, but it isn’t impossible. Try masturbating in other rooms of your house or apartment, in your car, or even outside if you can do it safely. Don’t put anyone at risk (this includes the risk of anyone seeing you), and be sure to clean up properly afterward. But a little spontaneity can be spicy!
Set the Mood With PinkCherry
Many wonder if masturbation is healthy for men and the answer is yes! Take these tips and enjoy your masturbation sessions. It is a great way to blow off some steam, get yourself ready for sleep, and help you learn what it is you like, so that you can tell (or show) someone else. Remember that masturbation doesn’t always have to be a means to an end - it can be a fantastic way to take care of yourself, pleasure yourself, or just feel sexy in a spontaneous moment. If you’re looking for male masturbation toys, check out the wide selection of sex toys for men at PinkCherry! You’re sure to find a new helpful companion to test out these masturbation tips with.